Gambar Aksi Bercium Ning Baizura Atas Pentas

Gambar Aksi Bercium Ning Baizura Atas Pentas

Ning Baizura, the once famous singer for admitting she would like to do sex with a lot of male once now has made a bigger scene in our Malaysia artist industry. She got captured bercium atas pentas with someone.

Oh, but don’t be suprise. The one he kissed is her husband, Omar Shariff formerly known as Christopher Layton Dalton. Ning Baizura invited her husband onto the stage and to share their love with the audience, they both kiss each other.


What a lovely Malaysian couple. I encourage married couple to not be shy in public to show their caring to each other. Kiss your wife, hug them and tell the world that you love them. Wife is our diamond, we have to let them know that we love them before it’s too late.

Let’s enjoy kissing picture of Ning Baizura and Omar Shariff.

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