Trend produksi hollywood sekarang adalah mengeluarkan filem yang berunsur super hero seperti Iron Man, The Avengers, GI Joe dan Superman. Berikut merupakan senarai 10 filem yang hambar sepanjang 10 tahun ini.
10 The Green Lantern (2011)
Terbitan: Warner Bros. Pictures
Kos Produksi: $200 million
Domestic Total Gross: $116,601,172
Tagline: “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s Light.”
9 The Green Hornet (2011)
Terbitan: Columbia Pictures
Kos Produksi: $120 million
Domestic Total Gross: $98,780,042
Tagline: “Protect the law by breaking it.”
8 The Last Airbender (2010)
Terbitan: Paramount Pictures
Kos Produksi: $150 million
Domestic Total Gross: $131,772,187
Tagline: “Welcome to the Inferno”
7 X Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Terbitan: 20th Century Fox
Kos Produksi: $150 million
Domestic Total Gross: $179,883,157
Tagline: “Every Hero Has an Origin”
6 Superman Returns (2006)
Terbitan: Warner Bros. Pictures
Kos Produksi: $270 million?
Domestic Total Gross: $200,081,192
Tagline: N/A
5 Fantastic Four (2005)
Terbitan: 20th Century Fox
Kos Produksi: $100 million
Domestic Total Gross: $154,696,080
Tagline: “Prepare for the Fantastic”
4 Elektra (2005)
Terbitan: 20th Century Fox?
Kos Produksi: $43 million
Domestic Total Gross: $24,409,722
Tagline: ?”Born to fight. Trained to Kill”
3 Catwoman (2004)
Terbitan: Warner Bros. Pictures
Kos Produksi: $100 million
Domestic Total Gross: $40,202,379
Tagline: “CATch Her In IMAX”
2 Hulk (2003)
Terbitan: Universal Pictures
Kos Produksi: $137 million
Domestic Total Gross: $132,177,234
Tagline: “Unleash the Hero Within”
1 Daredevil (2003)
Terbitan: 20th Century Fox
Kos Produksi: $78 million
Domestic Total Gross: $102,543,518?
Tagline: “When justice is blind, it knows no fear”
p/s Apa pendapat anda tentang filem adi wira malaysia pula?