Memey Suhaiza Meet Norman Hakim’s Family

Memey Suhaiza Meet Norman Hakim’s Family

cerita terbaru memey suhaiza

Latest information about Memey Suhaiza and Norman Hakim love tragedy story affair. From what we read, Memey Suhaiza’s Proton Persona car has been spotted at Norman Hakim’s sister house at Kuantan.


Memey Suhaiza was there to not only to celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha but to discuss about their marriage. This all happened before the divorce between Norman Hakim and Abby Abadi.

What does this mean? Maybe Norman Hakim has already planned to get caught with Memey because it’s the only way he can divorce Abby Abadi. One thing for sure, Norman and Memey secret affair started long before the divorce.

What do you think? Does Norman divorced Abby because he already Memey who is younger and hotter? Does all the “tangkap khalwat” case has already been planned by both of them?

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