Gambar Artis Malaysia Berparti Di Lot 10

Gambar Artis Malaysia Berparti Di Lot 10

Malaysia actor and actress is wild. They do a lot of parties, go to club and even sometimes managed to get caught while being alone with their counter sex. What more disappointing is they took a lot of self pictures and these pictures leak in the Internet only to be seen by their own supporters.

Recently, some of Malaysia actress including Harith Iskandar(who did the Celcom advertisement) manage to gather in Lot 10 Rooftop for a party. From the pictures below, I can see that they are enjoying themselves while chit chatting and taking pictures.


More pictures after the jump:-

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PERHATIAN: Pihak BeautifulNara tidak akan bertanggungjawab langsung ke atas komen-komen yang diberikan oleh pembaca kami. Sila pastikan anda berfikir panjang terlebih dahulu sebelum menulis komen anda disini. Pihak BeautifulNara juga tidak mampu untuk memantau kesemua komen yang ditulis disini. Segala komen adalah hak dan tanggungjawab anda sendiri.
